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Monday 23 December 2013



Music is a
legal DRUG!!

It is well known that music does have impact on your performance ,But how much and may be WHY?

As per Dr.Coastas Karageoghis,It all depends on what kind of runner are you?

NOW,There are 2 types "associators" and "dissociators" For ELITE RUNNERS. The concept is simple "associators" tend to focus INWARDLY while running.On the other hand "Dissociators" look for stimulus and distraction from what is going on around them.
If you are a associator that means you wont have much benefit from music but for dissociator you can see much benifit from music.The tempo of music as it increases or decreases so your running patterns.



He started running at 89 YEARS OLD!


The oldest person to complete marathon.He was born on 1911,making him exactly 100 years old.

He is indian origin Britisher.A World record holder in his age bracket.His personal best for London Marathon(2003) is 6 hours and 2 minutes.In 2004 Singh was featured in an advertising campaign for sportswear manufacture Adidas alongside DAVID BECKHAM and MUHAMMAD ALI.
He also holds UK records for 200m,400m,800m mile and 3000m for his age group,all set within a single 94 MINUTE period.
Not only this,He also carried Olympic torch in july 2012.He became the oldest man to feature inPETA campaign.He is professionally retired but continues to run for pleasure,health and charity.

Weird Running types

There are So may different running forms that even we cant imagine but yeah there are few weird forms Lets see few of them

1) The NBA Pro

Every-so-often a runner is born, and at a tragic and early age his brain gets frazzled, usually by a direct hit to head from a misguided basketball, into making him believe that he is in fact not a runner, but an NBA Pro.
Fortunately, these guys, and sometimes even gals, are easy to spot by their uniforms. They tend to favor wearing the full NBA gear over their running gear. Because of this early and tragic childhood accident, they always wear the long basketball shorts over their running shorts.
This is indeed very sad to observe as the basketball shorts hang way down. They hang so far down that they cover their knees, making running a marathon an especially daunting and painful endeavor.
However, on several occasions, like this recent race which was an out and back run along the same road, I have seen a miraculous confluence of events that can only bring pure joy to one's heart.
You see on that rare occasion that the NBA pro passes the High Five Twister, both are in their most natural of elements as one high fives the other in a spectacular show of lucky coincidence.

2) The Human Cybertron

I can only assume that the Human Cybertron was once a living and breathing person (either male or female) that at some point in their life due to a horrible tragedy well beyond my comprehension must have had their crucial organs replaced by beeping, buzzing, tweaking, ring tone playing and occasionally clanging cybertronics.
To say this runner is a wired machine would do injustice to the amount of wires sporting forth from the typical networked PC.
Typically the Human Cybertron runs with every possible electronic aid known to man sprouting from every orifice in their sweaty body. I'm amazed that they can even ponder so much data, with so much entertainment plugged into their ears on such a short run. I mean how much distance, speed, altitude, pace, heart rate, calorie, trajectory, target zone, sweat rate, and MP3 data can a person process in a few short hours?
Obviously much more than the Kenyan runner who won the half marathon in 1:05 can process since he did it without any electronic aid outside of a stop watch.

3) The Sound Runner

Every-so-often I would jump out of my skin during the race and duck behind the nearest tree or bush in a futile attempt to avoid the elephant stampede I was sure was just a few feet behind me. The Loud Runner is normally a man somewhere between middle age and golden age who's decided that his run will shake the very ground he runs upon.
This man must be a titan of industry because his only goal on the run is to subjugate the very road to his  enormous will, and he will do so by pounding it into submission with every step he takes.
In order to do this he must spring straight into the air like a started cat and pounce on the earth with every ounce of his weight leaving nothing behind but enormous running shoe prints in the crushed and subjected pavement.

4) The Desalination Machine/The Salination Machine

I am most amazed by the Desalination Machine who usually tends to be a woman somewhere between middle age and golden age who has in her lifetime somehow developed the "believe it or not" ability to not sweat. In fact not only does she not sweat, but she's so put together with full make-up and hair that often after the race she'll jump into a cocktail dress and waiting limo to attend this or that red carpet event.
To her 13.1 miles or even 26.2 miles of running in the 100 percent humidity of a typical Florida day is nothing to get sweaty about. She can carry on a conversation about her favorite charity or NGO while most of us would be hitting the wall and still have that mysterious clean summer lilac breeze scent waft from every pore of her skin.

Unlike the desalination machine, this slightly portly gentleman started sweating at the pre-race pasta dinner. By the time the race cannon sounds he's already lost 5 pounds of water weight and created enough salt for the Osmond family Thanksgiving dinner.
Runners beware! If he decides to shake it up a little, you'll know what's it is like to be next to a very salty, very big, and very wet shaggy dog.
The oddest thing about the desalination machine is that you'll rarely, if ever, see him drink anything during the race.
At aide stations he shuns both water and sports drinks like an alcoholic after a long, painful, and intense 10 step meeting. Yet somehow he manages to sweat like Britney Spears at a Baptist breakfast prayer meeting after an all night pantyless party...even well after he crosses the finish line.

5) The High Five Twister

The High Five Twister is usually a cute and youngish female runner who looks like she wants to high five every other runner that passes her. Typically her elbows are at about (let's call it ear level) and she twists her body 180 degrees with every step she takes.
Honestly, it hurts just to watch the High Five Twister run. But not her. Even though she contorts her spine into the begins of a DNA double helix strand, you'd never know it by the huge smile on her face.
So yes, while her twisting body rotation and her high elbows create little micro tornadoes along the course, her winning smile and happy attitude says, "I'd win this race if it were only measured by the distance traveled from side to side, instead of straight ahead."

6) The Frightened Dog Swatter

For some unknown reason the frightened dog swatter usually happens to be a woman who runs as if she were under deadly attack by a hell bent pack of tiny snarling Paris Hilton purse dogs. She flails here legs up and out in a matter and technique designed to swat the little bastard before they can nip and/or sink their tiny teeth into her manicured toenails.
She thrust her heels up, out and around with such vicious ferocity that running anywhere within a five foot diameter of her can be deadly to small dogs, squirrels, alligators, vermin, small livestock and of course other petite runners.
I believe I've read that the Kenyans and Ethiopians teach their top international runners strategical avoidance classes specifically designed to avoid the frightened dog swatter.

7) The  Bomber

Sometimes the pre-race morning meal does not agree with the body in motion. I'm sure in the heat of battle we've all squeezed out a little "poot". But not the Stink Bomber. This guy started farting at the age of one has has since gone to graduate school in the fine art of flatulance.
He's a running toxic obstacle to be avoided at all cost. But the problem is that on the typical crowded marathon course you don't know who he is until it is way too late. By the time you are even aware of the danger, you have been skunked and often you can't even tell who "did it."
Even when you can tell who "did it", you are too focused on trying to just cross the finish line.
Beware: The Stink Bomber is well aware of this fact and he'll use it to spread even more stink bombs along the entire course.

8) Doctor 90210

Doctor 90210 is almost always a women of that certain age (read well above 30) who has the slender hips of a 15-year-old (I suspect from all of that running) but the enhanced big boobs of a Hollywood Starlet wanna-be.
She is usually observed wearing only a sports bra/top with not much else hiding her helium filled boobs. I can only guess that she asked her plastic surgeon to fill them to the brim with 400 cc of helium as her boobs defy gravity, the up and down motion of running, and even time itself.
When one observes closely it can almost be imaged that her buoyant bosoms, and not her, are running the race. They, and not (let's say) her legs, are the pride and joy of her well worked over body and she wants the entire world to know.
After all, she paid almost $10,100 to run this race ($100 for the race entry fee and $5000 per boob).

9) The Gazelle and the Sloth

These two animals are almost never seen together in the wild, but you'll see them at every marathon, in every city of the world. Somehow they strangely compliment each other. They are the yin and yang of the running world.
The Gazelle boldly bounds straight up into the air with every springy step. Image Micheal Jordon on cocaine, steroids and with a bee in his shorts.
The Sloth shuffles along lifting his or her feet about an ant's toenail length above the ground.
BTW: Do ants even have toenails?
Anyway, the Sloth manages to use just enough energy to slide his or her leg forward to make forward progress.
And here's where the most incredible miracle of all marathons takes place. Some call it divine intervention and see God's wry sense of humor, while others point to the shadow of Darwin and millennium of evolution at play.
But this does not take away in the slightest from the Miracle of the
Marathon: as both the Gazelle and the Sloth cross the finish line in the exact same time.


Thursday 19 December 2013

World class runner

     Nuts and bolts of running

Talking about sprinting everything matters from for start till your end,your diets,training,post training,relaxation gaps everything.
The first and formost thing is your POSTURE.That is kind of foundation stone for you running.
It must not be very fixed of tight,the more flxible the more good.

If we divide the body in parts then it depends on the integrity level.For example, you must be trained in different ways for different body parts. The thighs, all muscle groups,  lungs fatigue rate etc.

I have searched internet, for various videos this video gives complete information about how to do sprints in detail. check it out.

also the continued version.

Now once you gain stability on all these foot works you can try for polymeterics. it is a kind of combination of jumping technology with running which give you grace steps and efficient results.

The combination of all these can produce a world class runner without any specific training.

How to Start Your Race!

Starting your race in correct way.!

Remember if you are a short runner then every second counts.Your starting technique really matters a lot. The very first step is key part.For example for 100mts you commenly complete in around 50 steps. If you observe sprinters they nearly jump up their first step. As you know the 3 rd law of newton -Every action has equal and opposite reaction, so the more forceful first step lends you more acceleration.Their are three ways of starting fast races.
All three ways are length variation of basic startup.

Basic and standard startup.

Basic momentum gain that you achieve -

Now, as you see in the first fig. the disatnace between your both the steps is what matters the most.
The less distance more explosive start.More distance More STABLE start.


The first type of sprint start is called a bullet or bunch start . The toes of the back foot are about level with the heel of the front foot . Both of the feet are placed well behind the starting line. The toe to toe distance is said to be 25 to 30 centimetres. In this start, your feet are closest together, compared to the other starts. Because your feet are close together, your legs and body are "bunched" together. That is why it is called the bunched, or bullet start. 

The distance is this much.


The second type of sprint start is called medium start. In this the knee of the back leg is opposite the front foot. The toe to toe distance said to be 40 to 55 centimetres. In this start, the feet are closer together than the elongated start but farther apart than the bullet start. Its in the middle. That's why it is called the medium start, because it is in between the other two.


The third type of sprint start is called the elongated start. The sprinter has their knee of the back leg level, or slightly behind the front foot's heel. The toe to toe distance is 60 to 70 centimetres. In this start, your feet are spread out farther than the other two. Your back leg is stretched or elongated, behind you.

This video will help you out.
Remember in short distance ,

Thursday 12 December 2013

What kind of runner are you?

Techniacally speaking there are mainly 2 types of runners!!
 A) Proffessionals
 B) Non-Proffessionals{Includes general running}

Lets talk about Concept of running!

People say it all depends on you,But there is something more you should know,that is Your GENES.
Yes thats it, it all depends on your genes.
Talking broadly there are 3 kinds.
A)Long Runner
B)Short Runner
C)Mixed Runner{ A Runner who can run both short and long distance)
talking about genes i'm reffering to your muscle kind. there is so called scale fast twitch muscles and slow twitch muscles and the range inbetween them,
So, if you are a fast twitch muscle kind that implies you are made for doing fast races those are called SPRINTING.
Also, if you are slow twitch then you are made   for long distance races , those include 800mts to all kind of marathons!

And, if you fall inbetween range that means you can do both kind of runnig.Yeah, you are correct that is kinda Super human power!!
Just give it a thought when  a person can run both kind of races and the number of events he is elegible for!!
Now the running you have done till date, you must have an idea depending upon your fatigue rate , that is wheter you are a fast twitch or slow twitch.
CAUTION! That part is just a piece of theory, It is not that if you are fast twitch then you can't do long distance races.
It is all posible concept, the gene theory is only to let us know which form is best for us , rest practise can change you from slow twitch to fast twitch or vice-versa.
All this falls is general running only.

Now that you have an idea lets give Proffessionl running a shot!

Proffessional Running is something when You know which kind of muscle froup you fall in and then being trained for all the events that fall is that catagory!